What is the difference Between Angular JS and Angular

In simplified terms, Angular JS is an open source development platform built on Javascript whereas Angular (whilst still an open source development platform) is Typescript based.


What is the difference Between Angular JS and Angular?

Angular JS, also known as Angular 1.x, and Angular (simply referred to as Angular) are both frameworks for building web applications. However, there are significant differences between the two:

Architecture -  Angular JS follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, whilst Angular follows the Component-Based Architectural pattern. Angular JS uses controllers and scope for data binding whilst Angular uses components and services.

Language - Angular JS is written in JavaScript, whilst Angular is written in TypeScript (a superset of JavaScript). TypeScript adds static typing and additional features to JavaScript, making Angular more robust and maintainable.

Performance - Angular is generally faster and more efficient than Angular JS. Angular uses a more optimised change detection mechanism and introduces features like Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, which improves performance and load times.

Size - Angular JS has a larger file size compared to Angular. Angular JS includes many features by default whilst Angular allows developers to selectively import only the required modules, resulting in smaller bundle sizes.

Tooling - Angular has better tooling support compared to Angular JS. Angular provides a command-line interface (CLI) for scaffolding, building, and testing applications. It also has better integration with modern development tools and libraries.

Developer Community & Support - Angular has a larger, more active community compared to Angular JS. As Angular is the newer version, it receives more updates, bug fixes and community support.

It's important to note that Angular JS is a mature framework that is still widely used, especially in legacy applications. However, Angular offers more modern features, improved performance and better tooling, making it the recommended choice for new projects.

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