What is Angular JS? Why is it used?

In simplified terms, Angular JS is an open source development platform built on Javascript. Javascript is the programming language whilst Angular is the Framework it is built on.

Angular JS is different to Angular which is Typescript based.

What is Angular JS?

Angular JS is a JavaScript based open-source framework developed by Google much like it's standalone Angular counterpart.

It is used for building dynamic web applications. Angular JS follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which helps in organising and structuring the codebase. It provides a set of tools and features that enable developers to create single-page applications (SPAs) with a rich user interface.

Angular JS simplifies the development process by offering declarative templates, data binding, dependency injection, and modularisation. It allows developers to extend HTML syntax and bind data to HTML elements, making it easier to manipulate and update the user interface dynamically. Angular JS also provides a robust set of built-in directives, services, and filters that enhance the functionality and performance of web applications.

Overall, Angular JS is a powerful framework that enables developers to create responsive and interactive web applications with ease.

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