Azure Developers Nottingham

If you are considering a new Cloud-based solution to host your IT infrastructure then the Microsoft Azure platform might be a smart option. Our Microsoft Azure developers can help you migrate whether you're familiar with Cloud technology or not. 

What is Microsoft Azure and Why Might I Use It?

Microsoft Azure is a Cloud platform that can be used as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), or even Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). This covers all of your possible needs. So, whether you are partially running software in a Cloud solution or migrating your organisation to the Cloud, it works. Azure development allows both the smallest and largest businesses to benefit from what it offers. It also has a pay-as-you-go pricing structure and keeps your data safe. All the upkeep can be done using their in-house tools, so hardware upkeep and maintenance is at a minimum. This saves both time and money.

What are the benefits of Microsoft Azure?

Scalability - Azure allows you to scale your resources up or down based on your specific demand at any given time. This scalability ensures that your applications and services that are hosted in Azure are able to  handle varying workloads efficiently.

Integration -Azure is part of the Microsoft ecosystem and so it seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products and services including Office 365, Active Directory and Windows Server. These integrations simplify the deployment and management of solutions within the Microsoft ecosystem.

Immediate Cost Efficiencies - Azure offers a pay as you go pricing model, allowing users to pay only for the resources they consume due to the scaling up and down based on demand capability. This can provide significant cost savings.

Global Availability - Azure has a huge network of data centers (200 plus) located around the world. This global presence allows users to deploy applications and services closer to their end-users regardless of where they are located in the world which in turn can reduce latency and improve application performance.

Hybrid Cloud Capabilities - Azure supports hybrid cloud environments which allows organisations to seamlessly integrate on-premises data centers with cloud connectivity. This flexibility is crucial for businesses with existing infrastructure investments and means previous investments do not need to be forfeit.

Varied Service Offering - Azure offers a comprehensive set of services including cloud computing, databases, storage, machine learning & AI, and analytics and reporting capabilities. This diversity allows users to build, deploy and manage a wide variety of applications in Azure.

Security & Compliance - Microsoft Azure has extensive security features and compliance certifications which ensures the protection of data and applications. It includes identity management, encryption, threat detection and other security measures to safeguard information which can provide clients with peace of mind and make them more attractive to their clients.

Dev Ops & Automation - Azure provides a variety of tools for continuous integration, continuous delivery and automation. This helps streamline development processes and can improve collaboration between development and operations teams.

Reliability & Uptime - Microsoft Azure is widely regarded for it's high availability and reliability, with a service level agreement (SLA) that guarantees a certain level of uptime to users. This ensures that applications hosted on Azure are consistently accessible and in the event they are not, issuesd are quickly identified and resolved.

Community & Support - Azure has a large and active community which provides a wealth of resources, forums and documentation. Additionally, Microsoft offers robust support options to assist users with any issues or challenges they may encounter.

How Can We Help?

Azure development is part of the skillset of our team. We have a wealth of experience providing solutions for the Microsoft Azure platform to both small businesses and large enterprises. Our Microsoft Azure developer team have experience in services from websites to database services and app services to notification hubs. Discuss your requirements today to find out what we can offer you. Work with us direct to experience exceptional customer service.


Q) Is Azure Google or Microsoft?

A) Azure is Microsoft's Cloud Computing Platform

Q) Is Azure PaaS, SaaS or IaaS?

A) Depending on what you use Azure for, it can be classed as all of the above!

Q) Is Azure free?

A) There are free to use services within Microsoft Azure that last up to 12 months from Account Creation. Click here to view the full list of free services.

Further Reading

What is Azure and why is it used?

Azure or AWS?

Pros and Cons of using Azure

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