Moving away from legacy infrastructure - Pros and Cons

Every system was once a benefit to its business, but they can eventually begin to feel like a curse. Old systems can slow down productivity and motivation. Our developers have the expertise to complete legacy system migration effectively and keep your business going strong.

So, what are the Pros and Cons?

First and foremost, for the purpose of this information - infrastructure covers systems, software and databases.

Moving away from legacy infrastructure can offer multiple benefits to as business, however, there are also disadvantages to consider depending on your current environment and what your goals IT and wider objective are. 


Improved Performance

Modern infrastructure often utilises newer technologies that can significantly enhance performance such as faster processing speeds, better scalability and improved reliability.

Cost Savings

Legacy systems can be expensive to maintain and operate due to their outdated technologies and higher maintenance requirements. Moving to newer infrastructure can often result in cost savings both immediately and in the longer term, particularly through reduced maintenance and operational expenses.

Enhanced Security 

Legacy systems are often more vulnerable to security threats due to outdated security protocols and a lack of support for modern security features. Upgrading to newer infrastructure can enhance security by leveraging more advanced security measures and protocols.

Increased Agility and Flexibility

Modern infrastructure is typically more agile and flexible, allowing for easier integration with new technologies and adaptability to changing business requirements. This can provide organisations with a competitive edge in rapidly evolving markets.


Legacy systems may have limitations in terms of scalability, making it difficult to accommodate growth or sudden changes in demand. Modern infrastructure, on the other hand, is often designed with scalability in mind, allowing organisations to easily scale their operations as needed.


Cost of Migration

Moving away from legacy infrastructure can be a complex and costly process. Organisations may incur expenses related to system redesign, data migration, staff training and potential downtime during the transition period.

Compatibility Issues

New infrastructure may not always be fully compatible with existing systems or software applications, leading to integration challenges and potential disruption to business operations.

Resistance to Change

Employees may be resistant to change, especially if they are accustomed to working with legacy systems. Resistance to adopting new technologies or processes can hinder the success of infrastructure modernisation efforts.

Potential for Disruption

Transitioning away from legacy infrastructure carries inherent risks of disruption to business operations. Any downtime or performance issues during the migration process can impact productivity and customer satisfaction.

Vendor Lock-in

Depending on the chosen modern infrastructure solution, organisations may become locked into specific vendors or platforms, limiting their flexibility and potentially leading to dependency issues in the future.


Overall, while moving away from legacy infrastructure offers numerous benefits, it's essential for organisations to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages and plan the transition process meticulously to minimise risks and maximise the potential for success.

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